TO compliment Metsel Marine & Civil design manufacture operate projects, we can offer the supply of specialized grouts and other cementitious products in 20kg, 1-tonne Bulk Bag or Silo volumes. Metsel Dry Mix is a market leader in the production of proprietary cementitious products including grouts, self-levellers, shotcrete and mortars. The team at Metsel Dry Mix has 30 years of experience in marine offshore projects, and civil projects, including construction, ports and tunnelling. Our mixing and pumping equipment design has evolved around these types of products, ensuring we know how to deliver the complete package.
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Metsel M-Pro HBS40 TDS V1.1 (PDF)

Metsel M-Pro HBS60 TDS V1.1 (PDF)

Metsel M-Pro HES70 TDS V1.2 (PDF)

Metsel M-Pro HES70-BB TDS V1.2 (PDF)

Metsel M-Pro HES70TDS V1.2 (PDF)

Metsel M-Pro HS80 TDS V1.2 (PDF)

Metsel M-Pro HS80-BB TDS V1.2 (PDF)